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LavaHephernaan updates
The new version is up! Version 1.1 includes fixes for some ToB banters and ToB friendship talks. There were some problems with talk timers, they should be ok now.
Hephernaan BG2 NPC has just been updated to 2.0! Smile What's new in this version? Here's the list:
-Added 4 new SoA talks
-Added new SoA interjections
-Added new ToB interjections
-Fixed Shapechange: Abishai ability
-Hephernaan should ignore Nightmare mode bonus HP
-Hephernaan should ignore reputation and always stay in the group
-WeiDU updated
Version 2.2 is here:
-Fixed HLA bug (he may no longer take cleric's HLA, but gains 4 new unique options)
-Changing into Hephernaan's original form does not lower reputation is he's in a dungeon
-Additional bonuses when in the original form: +2 Strength and +1 Constitution
-Updated kit description (his race abilities are mentioned in the description: Dimension Door, Animate Dead)
-Fixed ToB script (reputation loss upon change to his natural form now works properly in ToB)
-Included README in the tp2
Thank you !

I was wondering if Hephernaan have some banters with your Verr'Sza mod ?

I'm planning a new evil party. ;-)
You will need G3 Crossmod Banter Pack for that Smile
The page list is slightly outdated, if you check the readme, you'll see this
  • 3 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Skie (Cost of One Girl's Soul)
  • 3 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Verr'Sza
  • 1 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Phalh (Verr'Sza BG2 mod)
  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Gahesh
  • 5 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Foundling
  • 1 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Quayle
  • 1 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Varshoon
  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Petsy
  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Yvette
  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Will (Will of the Wisp mod)
  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Mistress Elysia's Fade

  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Skie (Cost of One Girl's Soul)
  • 2 banters between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Verr'Sza
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Phalh (Verr'Sza BG2 mod)
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Gahesh
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Foundling
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Quayle
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Varshoon
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Petsy
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Yvette
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Lava's Will (Will of the Wisp mod)
  • 1 banter between Lava's Hephernaan and Mistress Elysia's Fade
Thank you ! The Sword Coast will be afraid of this party. ;-)
Enjoy! Smile
Version 2.3 is up! It includes one fix and PIDs - there aren't many reply options in there, but some that may help the mod blend in better with other mod NPCs; this didn't have those before as it was to blend in with original NPCs, but with a party built from mod companions, it would be him that would stand out as someone that doesn't have these talks - keep in mind, though, that these PIDs are an optional component and you do not need to install them if you don't want to.

This option may be important for those that want all party members to behave in a similar way and have more or less the same features so the party felt right. So... here it is. Enjoy! Smile
Version 3.0 is up - it received some additional editing / proofreading by Llewren, a minor dialogue tweak, a few new potential corrupted items, epilogue fix, and traification. 
Can i install Hephernaan into my existing game or should it be installed in a fresh clean install?
Maybe I missed something, but... I don't think there is anything that would require a fresh start in this mod.
Don't know if it's the good thread, but hellish traveler gives 1 dexterity isntead of 1 strength

Minor Diabolical trickery also gives 1 charisma instead of +1CHA, +1INT and +1WIS

Also, in checking in NearInfinity my Hephernaan is clearly borked, he has 55% physical immunity while level 16 cleric/14mage and a lot of casting level bonuses +4. I tried checking previous saves what could be the reason for duplicating that but I've no idea since it seems that it's even not level tied, just somehow from time to time L#HERPF get's recasted in my game, don't know if it's some other mod making issues or Hephernaan specific
Will check those when I have some time, thanks. The class wasn't created by myself, but perhaps I'll find something there, or someone able to help me.
A little update, I've rechecked it and minor diabolical trickery works as intended, had diabolical trickery opened while checking minor one in NI, sorry for the false alarm on that one.

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