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Trouveur[Tangled Oak Isle] Rotting Cosmos and Cosmic Orb
Hi, I got thoses two items.

I notice two things :
- Rotting Cosmos says in its description to give +2 bonus to INT and +2 bonus to WIS, but when equipped it gives +4 bonus to INT and no bonus to WIS.
- my cleric / mage is no proficient with Cosmic Orb and so have a -3 penalty to thAC0. Is it the intended behaviour ?

I really like the background of thoses two, lore wise exactly what my caster needed to face Irenicus with a little more chance to prevail.
Hey! Smile Will look into these as I may need to update the mod soon Smile
I noticed another thing for Cosmic Orb : even when using a weapon replacing spell like MMM or Harm, it's still the attack from Cosmic Orb that is used when attacking.
I think that may be because the weapon is cursed...? That may be an engine thing. Would need to be checked along with other cursed weapon Smile
(05-18-2022, 03:49 PM)Lava Wrote: I think that may be because the weapon is cursed...? That may be an engine thing. Would need to be checked along with other cursed weapon Smile
Probably, I just tried Slayer Tranformation and my strenght stayed at 12 instead of 25. ;-)
Interesting! Perhaps that's a good thing to mention to CamDawg - maybe that would be a good thing for EE Fixpack. I don't think ANY cursed item, weapons included, should prevent using summoned weapons and polymorph spells.
I posted this on G3 EE fixpack thread. Smile
I talked to CamDawg too, he is afraid that may be hardcoded, but he'll investigate it at some point Smile

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[Tangled Oak Isle] Rotting Cosmos and Cosmic Orb00