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Prof ErrataTranslations to check
Dear Lava, I need your help for translation issues about your Kuldahar mod :
- Since the v1.3, have you added possibly some new lines in the English versions what appears in the versions 2.0 to 2.4 ? And if it's the case, which are present ?
- Is it possible from you to send me, if you haven't it erased on your computer and if you could, the old version 1.3 (erased sadly on my PC) of your mod by email at this address :
I'm trying to verify if the English and the French versions of the Kuldahar mod are correct , in order to see once for all if there are changes here and there.
Thank you by advance, your help would be welcomed.
In v2.0 the upper Kuldahar was added, and I am pretty sure there were some lines added. I just temporarily uploaded v1.3 to the DropBox alternative download site Smile You can get the old version there. I am deleting your personal email from the post above to protect your address, I wouldn't want anyone to use it and send you spam - the forum is readable for anyone, not just the registered users.
Thank you for your help, Lava, I've just downloaded Kuldahar v1.3, now I will try tomorrow to see if there are some changes in this version.
This is direct link to that package:

Once you click the link, there will be a share download button somewhere among the other buttons in the upper right corner of your window.

EDIT: I can see you already found the right button. Cool! The changes may be in one or more of these files (most likely): L#KUAU2.TRA, BALDUR.TRA, KULDAHAR.TRA and maybe (just maybe) DWHITCOM.TRA... but best double check, maybe I missed something.
Thanks to you, Lava, I've been able to precisely point the changes in the french and english TRA files. Here are, put it in good use.

English TRA files of the mod Kuldahar, modified with respect to the version v1.3 :

1_Additions of 2 TRA files :
in relation to the Upper Kuldahar

-additions of the following lines-

@104  = ~Upper Kuldahar
I learned that there is an upper Kuldahar located on the rocks not too far from the Great Oak. Whitcomb mentioned that Lysan told him she was visiting someone there. Was this one of her lies or... maybe she indeed went there for some reason?~
@105  = ~Upper Kuldahar
I went to Upper Kuldahar... Sadly, it was destroyed by a creature summoned by Lysan, the priestess of Auril. I killed the creature, but I couldn't help the people the monster turned into ice.~

- modification of the line @8-

@8    = ~Thank you. Here... I have this little something. A lockpick. I know, I know it’s an odd gift, but it’s enchanted. I bet you could use it during your adventures!~

-additions of the following lines-

@200 = ~Yes, but don't patch existing save games~
@201 = ~Yes and patch existing save games~
@202 = ~Auril's Living Storm~

Fichiers TRA français du mod Kuldahar v2.4, modifiés par rapport à la version v1.3 :

1_Ajouts de 2 fichiers TRA :
en rapport avec le Haut-Kuldahar

-ajouts des lignes suivantes-

@104 = ~Hauts de Kuldahar
J'ai appris qu’il y avait une partie haute de Kuldahar sur les rochers à proximité du Grand Chêne. D'après Whitcomb, Lysan a dit qu'elle y rendait visite à quelqu'un. Était-ce un de ses mensonges ? Ou alors, peut-être avait-elle une raison pour s'y rendre ?~
@105 = ~Hauts de Kuldahar
Je suis allé sur les Hauts de Kuldahar... Malheureusement, une créature convoquée par Lysan, la prêtresse d'Auril, a tout détruit. J'ai tué la créature, mais je n'ai pu venir en aide aux gens que le monstre a transformés en glace.~ ~Hauts de Kuldahar
Je suis allée sur les Hauts de Kuldahar... Malheureusement, une créature convoquée par Lysan, la prêtresse d'Auril, a tout détruit. J'ai tué la créature, mais je n'ai pu venir en aide aux gens que le monstre a transformés en glace.~

-modification de la ligne @8-

@8    = ~Merci. Tenez... J'ai ce passe-partout. Je sais, que c'est un drôle de cadeau, mais il est enchanté. Je parie que vous lui trouverez une utilité pendant vos aventures !~

-ajouts des lignes suivantes-

@200 = ~Oui, mais sans corriger les sauvegarde existantes~
@201 = ~Oui et corriger les sauvegarde existantes~
@202 = ~Tempête vivante d'Auril~
Right! However... all changes were covered in the translation already, so I guess that's mostly for those who want to know what was added/changed between these versions. These lines were already translated into French Smile
Note that the line @8 about Whitcomb has been rectified by myself.
It may get included once I update the mod, but such an update is not scheduled just yet.
Cheers! Smile
NB : here some minor corrections (typos) about Whitcomb :
- modification of the line @8-

@8    = ~Thank you. Here... I have this little something. A lockpick. I know it’s an odd gift, but it’s enchanted. I bet you could use it during your adventures!~

@8    = ~Merci. Tenez... J'ai ce petit truc. Un passe-partout. Je sais que c'est un drôle de cadeau, mais il est enchanté. Je parie que vous lui trouverez une utilité pendant vos aventures !~

I've a personal question for you, Lava : How can you find all the free time in order to create all your plentiful and well done mods for the IE engine ? You have all the necessary gifts for this work (you are a One Man Studio…) :
- High level programmer 
- Writer
- Dialogues
- Graphics
And with a professional quality, of course ! Thank you for your inspiration, your dedication and your productivity, you are a boon for the IE community.
Regarding the updated line: it will need to wait for the next time I am updating the mod Smile But thanks!

Regarding the question: I suppose I like to tell stories? It's been like 13 years now, huh. There are times when it can be draining, but it's cool to see them "become alive" on the screen. Funny thing, I saw someone once assumed that Lava Del'Vortel is actually a group of people (that's a funny idea, hah), but no and all of this is actually a way for me to relax when things are difficult or create when I feel the urge to do something creative. Remember, though, there are also people that helped me over the years. Proofreaders, other modders, artists... My mods are also enjoyable thanks to those people Smile
Considering I'm myself a not very creating modder, (I've created 6 mods for BG2EE/IWDEE, alone or with the help of many modders) I wonder how you achieve to type so much texts in English - which isn't in addition your mother language, like for myself - in your mods.… And giving the fact that BG/BG2/IWD are old RPG games (20+ years), it's no small fact you are currently creating until now excellent mods for the IE games. Bravo ! Now, giving the fact that BG3 isn't a vaporware and now fully exists (I'venot ordered yet, 6 patches and 23 hotfixes make me hesitate a lot, perhaps at the end of the year ), do you think that you are enough experienced to create mods for this last iteration of Baldur's Gate by Larian, considering that it requires new knowledge in programming of course. And in my opinion you are the perfect guy for this kind of work.

I've too a request : could you send me your public email at this adress (you could delete it like previously)


I will send you before long one of my mods, Kaya v0.9H, which have an English version (the only one in the list) and has a 2,41Mo in size. She's a merchant for BG2EE/EET/IWDEE who sells all the arcane/protection scrolls, and 17 powerful items for mages ; you'll note that the descriptions of the new robes highlights mischievously a well known personnality of the IE community… Tell me what to think and after verifications if there are possibly some bugs and typos here and there that I'venot noticed, it would be useful for me. Thank you by advance.
I... I don't know. I just like telling stories and creating characters. I always get this feeling that "some could enjoy if the game had X and Y, it may be impostant" or "the game would benefit from a story that would include..."

It's gets easier with time, my first mod in English took me a 1.5 year Smile But really, I don't think you need to create an army of mods. There are modders who created 1-2 mods and did a great job! Way better than I did with some of my own projects.

Regarding other things, I'll contact you directly.
Dear Lava, I have to specify that I'mnot accustomed at all to use Google Drive, DropBox or even a Cloud, in order to have access to my mod Kaya v0.9H go to the Beamdog forums at this adress :

Good reading !

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