Some additional ones:
- the Melicamp quest I was asking about above is from TheCalling (and quite buggy)
- I have an EET installation with the BG Worldmap installed: here the areas west of the Gnoll fortress are located somewhere in the sea (west of Waterdeep and northwest of BGCity); for the exact location you can take a look at the first frames of the following video:
- the poison of the snakes is shown on the character pics with the "disease" icon; and I'm not sure if slow poison helps against the effect; but that is questionable as I also have installed some spell tweaks
- in area L#BAS3, the treasure chest (locked) in SW corner (not really in the corner) is hard to reach. The character is "jittering" but could not access the chest as it should be. It was possible to open the lock (quite easy, took a few seconds) and to take the items inside (more difficult, moren than 30s of jittering till the action was done)
- the Melicamp quest I was asking about above is from TheCalling (and quite buggy)
- I have an EET installation with the BG Worldmap installed: here the areas west of the Gnoll fortress are located somewhere in the sea (west of Waterdeep and northwest of BGCity); for the exact location you can take a look at the first frames of the following video:
- the poison of the snakes is shown on the character pics with the "disease" icon; and I'm not sure if slow poison helps against the effect; but that is questionable as I also have installed some spell tweaks
- in area L#BAS3, the treasure chest (locked) in SW corner (not really in the corner) is hard to reach. The character is "jittering" but could not access the chest as it should be. It was possible to open the lock (quite easy, took a few seconds) and to take the items inside (more difficult, moren than 30s of jittering till the action was done)