10-20-2020, 05:55 PM
Greetings, Head Weasel!
OlvynChuru recently released a tool that allows bypassing of traditional spell count limits, normally 50 per spell level per type (arcane/divine). Your mods alone probably only add a small number of spells overall, but for players who want to install more mods with more spells, using this tool on your spells (for PC spells and for enemies' and NPCs' spells added via ADD_SPELL).
Note that this tool is EE- and EET-only, meaning it would only install on those game versions. More info is at the link above.
OlvynChuru recently released a tool that allows bypassing of traditional spell count limits, normally 50 per spell level per type (arcane/divine). Your mods alone probably only add a small number of spells overall, but for players who want to install more mods with more spells, using this tool on your spells (for PC spells and for enemies' and NPCs' spells added via ADD_SPELL).
Note that this tool is EE- and EET-only, meaning it would only install on those game versions. More info is at the link above.