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Mecha-WeaselWM: Yvette Romance (CoI) updated to v4.1
WM: Yvette Romance (CoI) updated to v4.1

Yvette Romance is one of the Colours of Infinity mods. It introduces a new romance option for male characters: a priestress of Sune named Yvette. Let her stay by your side and perhaps fate will guide you to something more than friendship, something Sune herself would bless. But be cautious as her past may cast a shadow upon both you and her, testing your relationship.

Thanks to AGKanevchev Yvette Romance now includes a Russian translation.

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WM: Yvette Romance (CoI) updated to v4.1 - by Mecha-Weasel - 04-03-2020, 03:47 PM

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WM: Yvette Romance (CoI) updated to v4.100