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ccainPasha Kohvu doesn't spawn
1. EET  
2. Version
3. Verr'za for BG1EE version 5.4
4. Area BG2700  (Lions way)  near where 
Gorion dies 

 I looked in Verr'za's script, but I don't see anywhere in the script where it's creating the creature L#1VPAS  .   I will admit I installed in a game I was already playing, however I started a new game and the mage along with the stone version of verr'za were not in the Friendly Arm Inn.

Messages In This Thread
Pasha Kohvu doesn't spawn - by ccain - 11-16-2022, 09:31 PM
RE: Pasha Kohvu doesn't spawn - by Lava - 11-17-2022, 06:23 AM
RE: Pasha Kohvu doesn't spawn - by ccain - 11-17-2022, 06:31 PM
RE: Pasha Kohvu doesn't spawn - by Lava - 11-17-2022, 06:54 PM

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