I've found the bridge, gone down the trapdoor and finished the mod.
Things have gone a little bit weird. Am I supposed to suffering from wild magic, both arcane and divine? It's active in both the surface area and the standard Firewine dungeon. However if I go elsewhere I'm ok. It isn't the time factor as I experiment with Ctrl T, and with sleeping and this didn't cure it.
I've got both NtoSC and Shades installted and they may be using the same area. Does your mod use the South tower on the east end of the bridge?
Things have gone a little bit weird. Am I supposed to suffering from wild magic, both arcane and divine? It's active in both the surface area and the standard Firewine dungeon. However if I go elsewhere I'm ok. It isn't the time factor as I experiment with Ctrl T, and with sleeping and this didn't cure it.
I've got both NtoSC and Shades installted and they may be using the same area. Does your mod use the South tower on the east end of the bridge?