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Mecha-WeaselThieving Skills for Bards v1.0
Thieving Skills for Bards v1.0

This mod is allows Bards and Bard Kits (including those from mods) to use Pick Locks, Find/Disarm Traps, and Pick Pockets. I created this mod to give players an alternative to having to shoehorn a Thief into every party. Wizards, Bards, and Sorcerer's could all cast arcane spells, Clerics, Druids, and Shamans could all cast divine spells, and Fighters, Rangers, Paladins, Monks, and Barbarians were all physical damage; however, only Thieves had access to certain (highly important) abilities that no other class could quite perform. Yes, Knock could act as a makeshift Pick Lock costing valuable spell slots and you could bash the lock, but these options came at the expense of lost experience. Additionally, other classes could find traps, but none could disarm them. Now, you have the option to choose an alternative and change up your gameplay a little bit.

From level 1 up until level 20, the Bard will receive 5 skills points each in Pick Locks, Find/Disarm Traps, and Pick Pockets. The Action Bar is updated via EEex to allow Bards to Sing, Detect Traps, and Use Thieving Abilities at the loss of the quickspell.

Forum at G3Readme: EnglishDownload directly at GitHub

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Thieving Skills for Bards v1.0 - by Mecha-Weasel - 05-02-2022, 09:14 AM

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Thieving Skills for Bards v1.000