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TiaxCan change to boar at level 8?
I noticed that the kit description states that shapeshifting to a boar starts at level 12, and healing lick starts at level 11 - but both of these options are available when he joins at level 8.

I am playing in legacy of Bhaal mod with most options from SCS turned on that make it more difficult.

Not much of a issue, but wanted to mention.
Thanks for letting me know, I will check it when I have a moment!
Hey, Tiax -- I run tests today, levelled Fhaugy up to lvl 12 and I checked which abilities he gets on each level and he got healing lick at 11th and the ability to shapechange at level 12, so everything works as intended. I don't think Legacy of Bhaals should change that, but a note: there is a chance I forgot to add the "tick" that makes him immune to "nightmare mode" (thought that shouldn't affect his abilities). I will add "tick" when I update the mod.
(10-17-2023, 03:41 PM)Lava Wrote: Hey, Tiax -- I run tests today, levelled Fhaugy up to lvl 12 and I checked which abilities he gets on each level and he got healing lick at 11th and the ability to shapechange at level 12, so everything works as intended. I don't think Legacy of Bhaals should change that, but a note: there is a chance I forgot to add the "tick" that makes him immune to "nightmare mode" (thought that shouldn't affect his abilities). I will add "tick" when I update the mod.

Ok thanks, I am also seeing 117% magic resistance at level 14th, up from ~76% at level 13 which should not exist for monks.

I have a ton of mods installed which is probably the issue. If you are interested I can send a save game file, but not expecting any support if it works on your end.

Thanks for all the mods over the years.
High resistances, HP, etc may be a result of using the Nightmare Mode. I forgot to tick that his file should ignore nightmare mode, thus he may benefit from it as other creatures. I fixed that a couple of days ago, so it should work better now Smile
Thanks, will look forward to the next release. The nightmare box may also apply to Xzele (Evening Glory) as she has 168 HP at level 13.
(10-23-2023, 04:46 PM)Tiax Wrote: Thanks, will look forward to the next release. The nightmare box may also apply to Xzele (Evening Glory) as she has 168 HP at level 13.
Yep, probably. Sadly, I very often forget about that but I'll try to fix that when updating my NPC mods...

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Can change to boar at level 8?00