11-27-2021, 08:02 AM
Altotas - wow, this is beyond helpful! I will be asking a friend for a proofreading of SotSC, but this will be such a great help! Thank you!

Quote:Version 6.0 - July 2021:
- The mod leaves BETA status
- Fixed visuals: Ormyrrs' quest
- Fixed area: L#HND1 flags
- Fixed quest: improved journal entries
- Fixed quest: experience for the Gardener's quest
- Native EET campatibility
- Traification
Version 6.1 - July 2021:
- More proofreading by Brokenkatana
Version 6.2 - August 2021:
- Italian stranslation by improbabile
Version 6.3 - August 2021:
- Korean stranslation by Pinkpanther
Version 6.4 - October 2021:
- Fixed The Melting Man [journal entry script bug]
- Fixed The Unusual Shards [shards should disappear after the quest]
- Changed Beetles, Dreams and an Old Man [better starting script]
- Added BP-BGT Worldmap by GraionDilach
- Italian translation update by improbabile
Version 6.5 - December 2021:
- Fixed typose reporeted by Altotas, corrected by Soul
Version 6.6 - December 2021:
- Russian translation by Tipun, sent by Austin
(04-17-2022, 04:26 PM)Aerothorn Wrote: I encountered Rovo in the Nashkell Minds; the first time, he "turned green" for a moment, but my party continued atttacking him and he died. I then reloaded two more saves before encountering him, and each time he was just a hostile kobold and fought to the death, so I figured the first time was a bug. But when examining his unidentified sword, the description reads "Why don't you just ask him?" Honestly can't tell if this is a dark joke, or if one is supposed to be able to have dialog with this guy.
(04-17-2022, 04:26 PM)Aerothorn Wrote: But when examining his unidentified sword, the description reads "Why don't you just ask him?"
(04-12-2022, 05:13 AM)Lava Wrote: Hi! What's your game version? (shows in the menu once you run the game) Do you have SoD or are you playing without it? Are you using the most recent version of SotSC? What game language did you pick upon installing the first mod and what language version of SotSC did you pick upon installation? Any other mods you're installing?May need some more information to help.
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