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The Gorgon's Eye updates to V4.0 - Printable Version

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The Gorgon's Eye updates to V4.0 - Mecha-Weasel - 12-16-2023

The Gorgon's Eye updates to V4.0

I've updated this mod to version 4.0 adding some new quests and features.

The City Watch

In response to the escalating threat posed by the Gorgon’s Eye thieves guild, the residents of Beregost have established the City Watch. A new force, supported by the Flaming Fist, who patrol the streets to counter the guild's activities. Players who join the guild but find their activities not to their liking can now assist the City Watch in a raid against the guild's hideout.

New Quests

Ariosh: A substantial new storyline focusing on the darker aspects of street life in Beregost, coupled with the guild’s struggles against the City Watch. There is no possibility for a "good-alignment" redemption in its second half and therefore the latter is not mandatory to complete.

Rigaldo: Includes 2 new quests. The first is related to the guild's expansion in Nashkel, and the second involves a stolen tome from Candlekeep. Additionally, all of Rigaldo's earlier quests have been reworked for improvements.

Liedel: Three new bounties set in Baldur's Gate. 

New Areas

The Fighting Pits: A strategic expansion to the Gorgon's Eye hideout, the Fighting Pits serve as a small 1v1 arena where players can challenge themselves to ascend the ranks and ultimately claim the title of champion. This addition serves as an auxiliary enterprise for the guild, supplementing the existing casino and brothel operations, and further diversifying its revenue streams.

The Gorgon’s Den: An extended area of Meredia’s brothel within the Gorgon’s Eye hideout. It offers explicit adult content due to a result of me getting carried away with the writing, and trying to make the guild’s operations more interactive. I honestly wouldn't recommend using this feature. It's best viewed as a background element that enhances the atmosphere and allure within the clandestine underworld of a thieves’ guild.

The Black Markets: Accessible from the Baldur's Gate thieves guild, this hidden marketplace is exclusive to only those skilled in the art of thievery. It offers rare and exotic items, such as useable traps and stat rings. It’s also a hub of information where secrets are traded. The Thief Compendium books are now located here and sold by Naga, a priestess of Mask.

NPC Interjections

Over 100 interjections from various NPCs have been incorporated, adding over 500 lines of new dialog. Some include banter with other NPC's in the party.

Enhanced Gameplay and Features

New portraits for all added NPCs.
New items.
Enhanced and extended dialogues.
Enhanced and extended item descriptions and journal entries.

Balancing and Fixes

Adjustments to the Shadow Thieves attack on Beregost.
Icon and item corrections.
Modifications to all Kerykeion weapons, now only +2 with fewer abilities.
Increased guild profit rewards based on risk levels.
Large monetary reward for siding with the Shadow Thieves.

Forum: Gibberlings3 Beamdog
Download: GitHub
