Weasel Mods

Full Version: My Alternative Portraits
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I've been doing my usual thing when I'm too sore to play a difficult section of BG2, so I've been putting an IWD team together. I've had problems with my eyesight seeing some of the portraits, so I've been tweaking some and making new ones for others. I thought you might like to see the ones I made for Ina. I've included the original pic, and the three game portraits. I removed the chest wound, and bleeding eyes as I can't remeber how Ina died, and it makes her look too vampirish. I can't find the name of the original artist but I'll keep trying.

The pics may look the same at first glance but the light, colour, contrast etc have all been adjusted to look the best at each size.

[Image: ComDRvQ.jpg]

[Image: UzCio5I.png]

[Image: FYs3Qgc.png]

[Image: c2JpCMN.png]


The original artist is Kapriss, the art link:

The artist also takes commissions, here's the website:
Thanks for sharing! I'll keep my portrait as main, because I know it's not breaking copyright. I guess your edits may stay posted in case someone wanted to use the art, however, I added info on author and where people who enjoy his/her art may order a comission Smile

Thanks for the info on the artist. She (or he?) does truly amazing work and I only wish I could afford a commission. I DLed the pic on my last visit to DeviantArt and forgot to add the link.
It is "she", I checked Smile