What Graion said is correct.
As for the "1" -- it's most likely due to stackable jewelry or something. It doesn't have that on the setup I used for testing.
(09-21-2023, 04:12 AM)Graion Dilach Wrote: [ -> ]A token item that has to be equipped by the main character.
Ah, too bad it has to be the main character. I've a Wizard Slayer in the party, with open ring slots.
(09-21-2023, 04:03 PM)Lava Wrote: [ -> ]What Graion said is correct.
As for the "1" -- it's most likely due to stackable jewelry or something. It doesn't have that on the setup I used for testing.
Yes, I figured that one out in the meantime. The stackable indicator is a bit off to the right, while the charge indicator is a bit off to the left (I hope I got at least that one right from memory). Tiny details, sometimes confusing, especially when
With all the IE "magic" mods tend to apply, it can be jarringly hard to grasp that things can also be very simple, sometimes. I checked the installation log, looked at the mod source, and still tried to find an explanation for the ring's unusable "charge". *facepalm*
Thank you both for your answers.
P.S.: Aaargh, the "Preview Post" adds or renders multiple lines of whitespace. I tried out drafts to be able to quote from multiple messages. This forum seems to apply its own magic.
Sorry for the horrible spacing above. The whitespace always comes back.
It's fine and it's easy to read, spaces aren't that bad, really!

I prefer some additional space than this... dense wall of text without spaces.
Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the mod. Cheers!
I got the intended layout with the intended spacing somehow right, after editing.
And I for sure also hope that I'll enjoy the rest of the mod.
My charname this time around is Chaotic Evil, and some minor quests around Beregost already made it challenging to stick with the intended grumpy A-hole playstyle... Even in the original games, playing like BG1NPC-style Edwin would end many quests almost immediately, sadly.
Last session, I stopped a bit frustrated with the Family Treasure Quest from BGQE, that I seemingly can only resolve (as in, closed quest log) by playing at least somewhat nice, by returning the necklace. The most evil workaround for this is to sell the necklace, steal it back and then return it.
On the other hand, "Of Wolves and Men" from Ascalon's Questpack I really liked. The not-so-nice way to resolve that quest even got me a nice reward, so felt very fitting.
Since I've installed quite a lot of your story mods, I'm curious how well "we"'ll get along there.

(09-21-2023, 10:01 PM)Lurker Wrote: [ -> ]Last session, I stopped a bit frustrated with the Family Treasure Quest from BGQE, that I seemingly can only resolve (as in, closed quest log) by playing at least somewhat nice, by returning the necklace. The most evil workaround for this is to sell the necklace, steal it back and then return it.
For the sake of completeness, the claim in my last sentence here was false. If the necklace is not returned in time, the quest semi-autoresolves when passing by near the little girl outside of the family home.
(08-27-2023, 06:54 AM)AKrug Wrote: [ -> ]Hey there,
I am sorry that my post came out as too "aggressive". Sorry for that. I was just irritated to see such a solution for area transitions being used in such a high quality mod that entered v8.
Here, as an apology. Hope you can use it for the next version. 
3w3WcV5.png (46×71) (imgur.com)
I tried to make it work and as I was afraid, it's not as simple and the door actually looks worse.
That said, I am leaving the door as it is now in my mod and I won't be changing it. I understand you wanted to help, but there are a couple of things that need to be taken into consideration and even the smallest blurs and changes in shade become a huge thing in the process.
So thanks, but I'll keep my version of the door and I don't really want to work on such a small thing. I hope you'll manage to play the mod as it is.
When updating a mod I check mod forums rather than skip between different threads, so posting it here or at least providing a link here makes it more possible that the fix will be included when I'll be working on an update.
Hi Lava, I've reported a small bug
over at G3.
Is it okay to just ping you at G3 for further discoveries, or to post a quick link here?
Eh, you were too quick. I reposted my comment and deleted the original, because I couldn't remove the superfluous link.
Responding to your answer: Okay, linking it will be.
Thank you for this lovely mod! I've been on a BG binge for the first time in 20 years and Shades truly helped make BG1 a completely fresh experience.
As far as critiques, they are relatively minor: The Undercellar Carnal quest felt, tonally, slightly off from the rest of the game. Secondly, that darn Ghost Ship quest stumped me; I think I may have needed to use a combination of the (4?) skeletons found elsewhere but, alas, by the time I got to the quest, three of those skeletons had rotted after I foolishly left them on the ground. My mistake!
Thanks again!
Well, I am glad that still, overall you enjoyed the mod!
Absolutely loved it

It's amazing what a single mod can do to revitalize the game!
Sorry for the late reply.
I guess you would need to edit the whole area .tis file to make it blend perfectly. That's what I did at least. Oh well.
Sure, to be honest, I can live with it, and the point of making it all into bams is to make sure I am not replacing any original files to ensure the best possible compatibility with other mods. These bams are just "added" to existing, most up-to-date .are file.
Anyway, thanks for trying! Let's just focus on the good stuff

I may try to make it better one day, but I've been releasing new stuff for the whole year and I realized that I also need to rest a bit...
Hello, when getting a potion for the melting man, I was able to get two. One from pickpocketing the witch and one from killing her. Just fyi.