The dialogues with Bentley and mage outside FAI are bugged - they end without warning so they cant provide any quests. Dunno if other content is bugged too.
Also trying to rent rooms in FAI ends with journal updating about rumors.
EDIT: Beggar in Beregost is bugged too and worst thing is he initiates dialogue on his own so its looped...
None of such bugs were reported before and they worked fine for many many many runs. To find what's going on I may need more information like:
1. What is your game version?
2. Are you using EET?
3. If you are playing with or without SoD?
4. Have you remembered to use DLC Merger / modmerge if you have SoD and playing on Steam?
5. What SotSC version are you using?
6. What other mods are you using?
7. Have you started a new game after installing SotSC?
There are many questions, yes, but it certainly doesn't look normal.
I just checked it on 2.6.6 with SotSC installed. It works fine.
I sent K4thos a question if it's possible there are still problems on EET-SotSC compatibility front, but he checked it before.
We'll see if he has any thoughts about what may be going on with your game.
mistake is in code that handles auto mod conversion. Following steps are needed (already pushed new release, so this has to be done only by those who installed it before this fix)
1. Place this file in EET/lib directory, overwriting old one:
2. Make a backup copy of the game (just in case)
3. Double click on Setup-SotSC.exe and choose re-install
After doing so problem will be fixed. No need to start a new game. Sorry for inconvenience.
fist let me congratulate you to another creative and very imaginative new mod from you. From a glance at the readme it seems to me as if these additions should have been part of the vanilla game from the start..
One thing bothers me though. I'm playing EET with as many mods in one playthrough as possible (let's face it who has the time for several) and as I tried to installed your mod via EET modsetup tool I got the following warning:
"Shades of the Sword Coast is a mod that adds new quests and enhances existing areas in BG1. NOTE: The mod is a stand alone effort and does not notice most other mods that add BG1 content. Mixing it with other mods leads to countless conflicts in game. Conflicting use of areas/game resources:
SotSC is conflicting with:
Rose re
The Grey Clan Episode 1
The Beaurin Legacy
Balduranas SeaTower
Indira NPC
Sirine scall
Ascalons Breagarquest
finch npc
tenya thermidor
the calling
The Rune
That's quite a list and these are only the known conflicts. I really don't want to risk my setup as I happen to play with all the above mods and more. So my questions to you are twofold:
1. Could you maybe - and I know its quite a task - contact the other mod authors to work out patches that resolve the worst conflicts
2. Split your weidu install into seperate components so the user has the choice to pick and choose which parts to install and which ones to skip, whereas each component contains neccessary info which mods clashes with it ?
There are a lot of users out there who either never played the older mods or want to play through EET once but not 3-5 times in order to get the fullest modded game. So my guess is solution Nr 2 would be best?
However you decide - rework the mod or change nothing at all - let me tell you that I totally respect all the work that went into creating all your mods. That you decided to share them with the community is a great thing to begin with..
Thank you a n have a nice day.
This mod adds stuff in a most careful way, in most situations, it updates the existing content and dynamically adds stuff rather than overrides content "the hard way". No conflicts were reported to me and 98% of bugs were dealt with. There may be some minor things, but they are far from game-breaking. Moreover, the EET update was provided by EET creator,
I myself used SotSC with many other mods. If you want to know my opinion, then here it is: check your tool source. I may only guess which one you're using, but you should get familiar with these threads: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
Sorry, I can't take responsibility for your install. I worked with other modders to make sure official and loved mods can be used along with SotSC. I can't guarantee it's always gonna be bugless, but the note you posted mentions things that I never heard about. However, it's kinda sad to know such pieces of information roam the internet, but what can I say - I tried to make my mod work the best and flawless way it can, I was very careful and I also use many mods so I did take them into consideration. Bah, I even added special codes to make some old stuff work properly in case there were fans of mod A or B or Z.
No matter which tools or mods you're going to choose, I hope you're going to have great fun and find what you're looking for! That is what I want players to get, no matter what.
since you did not mention specifically which mod installation tool you have used, let me speculate. There are 2 mod installation tools available at the moment, Project Infinity (maintained by ALIEN) and EE/EET Mod Install Tool (maintained by Roxanne). Since I'm using Project Infinity for more complex mod installations, I know for a fact, that there is no such warning message for SoTSC. So, this means you are using Roxanne's tool.
Now, having established that, you should know, that Roxanne is notorious for altering mods created by other modders without their consent (and in some cases even against their will) for reasons unknown (there are speculations circling around modding communities about that, but this is the topic for another discussion and probably not here). Those alterations sometimes make those mods incompatible with other mods, which does not happen when original versions of those mods interact with each other. Now, it looks like most of the mods listed in the warning you quoted are either created by Roxanne herself or altered in a way mentioned above, making them unofficial versions. As Lava mentioned, he put a great deal of effort to assure compatibility with many most popular mods out there, but, and this is a key word here, with their official versions. So, claiming the bugs or incompatibilities found in unofficial version to mod authors is a bad practice, because they cannot accurately debug issues (nor should they even care to do) that are results of someone else's code.
So, what I would suggest you to do is to look for the support on Roxanne's forum, because those incompatibilities she mentions are likely the result of her own unofficial alterations.
Oh dear, I had absolutely no clue as to what is behind all this. Read posts + posts in the links provided and honestly I don't know what to say as my experience with R. so far was a totally positive one: So far Roxanne's eet modsetup tool always provided my setup with info about needed dependencies and possible conflicts and up to now I never encountered problems with it. Mods get downloaded automatically so I never thought of controlling the source and install order get handled automatically too so that's why I never tried my hands on PI. It's a very convenient tool for big modsetups (and saves alot of time and nerves) and I have over 50 Mods installed atm.
R when asked always provided help immediately even for other mods. For example, BG1 NPC project has a component: Watergardens that did not install due to a small oversight of the mod author after an update (russian translation). R found the culprit, contacted the author and the author corrected the fault, R provided the new updated mod link and within very few hours I could resume my installation.
Will have to ask at R forum from now on fot this conflicts it seems. BTW has anybody experience with Project Infinity so far? Maybe it is better to change modsetup tool? And does it finally provide install order or would I still have to figure it all out by myself? I fear that would be quite a task with my endless mod list as it is...
Oh, I never said Roxanne doesn't want to help her fans. She replies quickly, she's eager to help as long as you follow the installation she thinks is best and as long as you approve her way of working and creating new content. She is hard-working, I have no doubts about that. But the thing is, that she introduces things the way that I disagree with: I would never modify and share work that isn't mine, change other author's content, write notes like that she wrote about SotSC, which is - again, in my opinion - unfair.
You see, the thing is that many modders no longer agree to have anything to do with Roxanne and while it's sad to see, I must say I am among such people. Too many things happened, too many bizarre situations and I do not agree with the creative decisions she makes, changes she applies to mods that aren't even her. But I also do not feel like fighting and I just wish her well no matter what, I just don't want to be included in her plans or projects.
About tools and installation of mods - I always install them manually. It's a kind of process that helps me to make sure what I install is exactly what I want. I check the news, stuff. It takes time, yes, but that's how I handle it. But if you want to use one, I think PI is the best option now. I do not use it myself and I know little about how it works, the author - ALIEN - should be reached here, I think - you'll find all the questions, answers, and information in that thread, I believe:
Orrmyrs Peak:
Entered the area by leaving the gnoll stronghold west (direct travel trigger). Did talk to the Orrmyr and got their quest. When leaving the Orrmyr map east, south or north I'm sent to the world map, self-located to the gnoll stronghold icon. I can't travel to the gnoll stronghold now, because the game thinks, I'm already there. Moving to bear river map and back to the gnoll stronghold map I am at the bridge of the gnoll stronghold map.
Didn't find the cemetery map on the world map (well, the world-map is large...).
Versions: SotSC 8.23 (installed within the EET); worldmap 10.2.6
And the unidentified description of the ioun stone from the shadow quest is: "I can carry no more. I must place my burden onto the earth."
The mod is compatible with BG1EE and EET original map, but not with Worldmap mod. That is an entirely different things.
If you want to jump with console between those, they are L#ORM1 and L#ORM2.
Question: Is it really intended that Mal'Meto drops Aule's staff (+3 staff). Seems a bit much for me. And the item is available in the game already. It is nothing that is introduced into the game at this point.
Ursa (and her fur): I got two Ursas spawned. Not new for me that for groups with higher levels 2 cave bears are spawned. I received also two furs and could ask Cromwell to improve both (maybe not just setting a timer but also a variable to allow the fur armor for one time). I received only one. Maybe for the dialogue option the variable is set? Didn't try much about. Just wanted to highlight that it might happen that you have to two furs.
Hmm, I do not remember if that was intentional, but I wouldn't say it's much. You can finish Mal'Meto's quest once you are in Cloakwood and until now you can already use some great items. The other Aule's staff is available from the very beginning, you can just go to Ulgoth's Beard and buy it and you can be in like chapter 2 and it's not impossible to get enough gold to get it, so... so, I don't think it's too much. If I change it (high chances for that to happen), then it's because I'm wondering if that should be an unique item or not (and it sounds a bit like one).
As for Ursa: there should only be one Ursa, it's an unique character and if you have 2 spawned, then that is the bug, not the fact that the Beregost blacksmith can be asked twice about this. I checked the command that creates Ursa:
CreateCreature("URSA",[3557.2061],S) // Ursa the Cave Bear
ActionOverride("Ursa",Attack("Nexlit")) // Nexlit the Xvart
These commands are introduced via the Nexlit's dialogue and there are no commands that would bring two Ursas if you have some higher level.