Weasel Mods

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Checked it, couldn't reproduce. However, if there is some other mod that replaced my mod's changes, then I cannot do anything about that. But maybe it's just some random bug. IIRC, the item is "L#SKEQ1" so if one of those is missing, create the item with a console Smile

(03-07-2025, 02:25 PM)Lava Wrote: [ -> ]Checked it, couldn't reproduce. However, if there is some other mod that replaced my mod's changes, then I cannot do anything about that. But maybe it's just some random bug. IIRC, the item is "L#SKEQ1" so if one of those is missing, create the item with a console Smile


I have the graphical overhaul mod could that be it?
Dunno, it depends if the mod replaces specific .are file (if the new container does not appear at all) or script (if the container appears, but it's empty).
If you want to make sure all SotSC are applied, it's best to install the mod after other mods that may replace/change original areas significantly. But if that's the first problem you've encountered, I wouldn't worry too much about it Smile Remember it's an old game and sometimes bugs just happen Smile
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