The mod introduces a new joinable character - White, who is also known as White-as-Bones. White is a chaotic neutral human male barbarian, available almost from the very beginning of the game. He is always a 2nd-Level character, so it's advised to recruit him early in game. White has never been a member of any clan or tribe, he's not that kind of barbarian. Consider him someone who can make use of his rage as if it were a tool. He's also a good hunter, but may get quite furious if someone tries to take his belonging. The mod includes banters between White and all BioWare NPCs, as well as with BGEE characters - Neera, Rasaad and Dorn. All players may experience some friend talks. What's more, White may start to romance male characters of any race (if the male PC has at least 11 charisma and at least 12 strength.). If you're not interested, just tell him.
Is White compatible with EET if he is installed before EET is installed?
I'm afraid it may not work properly on EET. Perhaps can tell us if he knows anything about it?
(07-22-2020, 06:02 AM)Lava Wrote: [ -> ]I'm afraid it may not work properly on EET. Perhaps can tell us if he knows anything about it?
I will wait and see what Austin has to say.

I consulted it and got a response:
Quote:White mod installs normally on EET if installed before installing the EET (like other mods for BG1). And since this NPC is only for BG1 (as I understand it) and does not go to SoA-ToB,, then the TRANSITION function is not required, everything is fine!
(07-31-2020, 02:33 PM)Lava Wrote: [ -> ]I consulted it and got a response:
Quote:White mod installs normally on EET if installed before installing the EET (like other mods for BG1). And since this NPC is only for BG1 (as I understand it) and does not go to SoA-ToB,, then the TRANSITION function is not required, everything is fine!
Excellent news and thank you!
Hi there! In comparison to other mods, how big is this one? What can I expect from the friendship/romance path? Are there many banters with other companions, or just 1-2 through the whole game?
There are ~ 5 timered friendship talks + additional ~ 14 timered romance talks after the timered ones.
There are also like.. 2-3 scenery talks.
As for banters, there are 1-2 per NPC.
Considering this is BG1, not BG2, that should be an ok number and still, it shouldn't feel overwhelming. But I suppose it's also a matter of taste

(01-02-2024, 01:42 PM)Lava Wrote: [ -> ]There are ~ 5 timered friendship talks + additional ~ 14 timered romance talks after the timered ones.
There are also like.. 2-3 scenery talks.
As for banters, there are 1-2 per NPC.
Considering this is BG1, not BG2, that should be an ok number and still, it shouldn't feel overwhelming. But I suppose it's also a matter of taste 
That's great! I think, I'm gonna use White in my playthrough. I guess he's not going to be 'exported' to the BG2, so there's no continuation for the romance with him (and no plans for it)?
Nope, he's only for BG1 campaign, he won't follow you into SoD or BG2EE nor there are plans for continuation.
I came here to say I am plyaing with White currently and I am loving it

Thanks, Lava! He'd be a riot in BG2 though, haha!
Thanks! If you like him, you may want to try Fhaugy for BG2EE

They may have a bit similar vibe