Hi Lava,
I got installation Errors on a megamod installation using BWP 18.2.5. It was only 5 of your mods from what I saw. All mods were not installed because setup could not find the bp bgt worldmap.bam.
I really want to integrate your mods, any ideas?
White Queen
Tales of the Deep Garden
Southern Edge
Hi! It would be best if you could provide information on mod version and the part of .debug file that includes specific error information. Paste it here using the "code" option. If it's long, please use spoiler tag (see Tip 1).
For example Innershade V10.0
ADD_MAP_ICONS: could not find map icon file (BPBGTMAP.bam) in your game
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR: Failure("ADD_MAP_ICONS: could not find map icon file (BPBGTMAP.bam) in your game")
Please make a backup of the file: SETUP-INNERSHADE.DEBUG and look for support at: Lava Del'Vortel
Automatically Skipping [Colours of Infinity: Innershade -> Yes, but don't patch the existing save games] because of error.
It is the same error for all mods from what I saw.
Hmm, I never use megainstallations and BP-BGT Worldmap, but perhaps that's an installation order? Perhaps BP-BGT Worldmap should be first and then those mods.
This specific component that deals with icons was designed by K4thos, but he's been away for a while. Someone who could find out what the problem may be is but I'm not sure if he has time. Eh... not sure what else to tell you right now. I will see if K4thos may be reached or let's see if Gwen comes here. Meanwhile, I would suggest changing checking if the installation order may be changed. It kinda looks as if the mods tried to update a file that does not exist in your installation.
EDIT: And maybe will know what the problem might be?
I have skipped packing the installed mods in setup so that will be able to reinstall or install new mods later. As long as you think it's just an order problem, I'll give it a try. I did not consider that because every other mod installed properly and Region of Terror (which is definitely on the map and not using existing areas) was installed without errors before the installation of your five mods was tried.
Are you still visiting shs and chiming in outside of your own subforums (e.g. Mega Mods)?
I visit all forums, but I don't get much involved in mega-mods subforum, because... well, I do not support mega-installations. I prefer when story is consistent, while mega-installations focus on something else. Don't get me wrong, anyone should play however they want, I just prefer using more restricted selection of mods to using as many of them as possible.
Quote:I did not consider that because every other mod installed properly and Region of Terror (which is definitely on the map and not using existing areas) was installed without errors before the installation of your five mods was tried.
I may be wrong, but I think RoT uses existing icons while those mods you listed in your first post here add brand new icons and it's that why ADD_MAP_ICONS and it's that function that's "looking for" BPBGTMAP.bam and does not find it.
Have you got this mod installed? Because the missing file that's causing the error ("bpbgtmap.bam") is a component of the BGT worldmap, which I think is required for Lava's mods when installed on (what I assume is) a trilogy installation.
It's listed lower in the installation oder so you were right. I will simply install the mods later since (as far as I remember) they do not conflict with other mods.
I get your point on restrictions. While it is a megamod, I by far did not install everything that could be installed. My prime interest is having a BGT installation with an expanded BG1 part, a few bigger mods like RoT and more smaller additions like your mods… and of course much less! NPCs than the usual megamod installation has.
I hope you will enjoy your game now!

Have fun!
Thanks for your help,