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G3: Three IWD Mods Get Updates: Fixpack, Unfinished Business, and Item Upgrade

The Gibberlings Three

Three mods for Icewind Dale have new versions available.

The Icewind Dale Fixpack is designed to fix several bugs and errors that remain in the game after the official patches have been applied. The Fixpack works with or without the expansions Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster installed. In fact, many issues quietly fixed by Heart of Winter or Trials of the Luremaster have been rolled back to every version of the game. Version 11 adds a lot of new fixes, thanks mainly to ZFR and sirnicklaus submitting a lot of good bug reports.

Like its predecessors for Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II, Unfinished Business for Icewind Dale aims to restore content and quests that were omitted from the game as shipped. The additional content in this mod is based on what I can piece together from various game resources and from talking with former developer JE Sawyer on the Obsidian forums. Later, through my work with Beamdog, I was able to secure some of the original quest design notes and further refine the restorations. Version 12 adds a new component Add the Wardstone for Lower Dorn's Deep and fixes some bugs from previous versions.

The Item Upgrade for Icewind Dale mod is a modest collection of upgrades for various items throughout the game. Reading through the item descriptions, the developers really took a lot of time to give many items an elaborate backstory. In many cases, I felt that an upgrade was a chance to tell a bit more of the story. Version 7 fixes a pair of exploits.

