Weasel Mods

Full Version: Veil Raised critical hit
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Howdy, sorry to pester you, Lava, but in my most recent reinstall the sword crit hit ability stopped working. I believe it is most likely a mod conflict but since you were very helpful in another mod conflict beforeĀ I thought I might report it to you. Would you like me to send you a save?
Hey. Item properties are not stored in the savegames, but in the .itm files. I am unsure if I'll be able to help, I can check however if the .itm itself, if you send it to me. The item file is l#bbswor.itm and it is in your override folder.
Ok, it's an item bug caused by a DLTCEP (modding program bug) -- there are two effects called "critical hit effect", but the one I use is actually for critical miss. But it's actually better for you, as an attack that would normally do nothing actually casts Soul Eater. I may fix it in a new version, but I am unsure when that's going to be.

Thanks, Lava