Weasel Mods

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I took Juniper with me when I was at the Amkethran part and only for doing her quest, so I will not comment on her as a NPC (it will be for another run with a female charname Big Grin ).
The quest follows ToB pattern to side quests with a NPC to play it and new areas to explore, like Neera's, Rasaad's or Nalia's Reunion mod.

The quest took me some hours to finish, exploring all the areas. Duration seems fine for a ToB quest when the main storyline is the focus.

First thing to note is the beautiful maps. The pyramid in the desert at night was great, and all the Haa'Kir maps are beautiful. It feels like an egyptian desert, full of mysteries and dangers.
It's also great to visit again Ravenloft after Barovia in SoA part.
The story fits well with the Ravenloft setting background.
New items are neither too numerous or too powerful.
I really like the riddle to open the last door.
Final reward is interesting, a new trick to help charname in the Bhaalspawn conflict.

There is only one thing that could be improved IMHO, it's the difficulty. Granted, I didn't have SCS installed, but I was playing on insane with an XP reduction (so with NPC at 4,000,000 XP), and even then nothing felt dangerous.

I was also expecting crossmod content with Xzele, but it will probably be for later updates. Tongue 

Overall, a great mod and a nice side quest for ToB which really needs more of this quality content (I encountered more bugs with vanilla EE new quests than in this mod).
A staple for my future installs !
Thank you for this amazing work.  Big Grin
Thank you! I know it's probably not something everyone is going to love, but I wanted to make people change their team at least for a moment in ToB, to add this SoA aspect of the game that's not there in ToB. I know, I know, it can be hard to suddenly change the team, but I hope at least some will enjoy how the mod plays and... I guess it looks like you enjoyed it.

Regarding the power level: I do not use SCS and I usually play these games and mods for the story and exploration of new areas I have never seen before. During the testing, the new areas felt to match the original difficulty level and that's what I'm aiming for. I think I'll need to think about it, but even if I make those fights stronger, it won't be a huge change.

Regarding Xzele: there are two banters between her and Juniper in G3's Crossmod Banter Pack. I am unsure if I'll add anything unique for Xzele here, as it's just as alien place as it is for the Child of Bhaal. Plus, I am always hesitant when it comes to adding content to existing and translated mods as that means I would need to provide lines for other languages and I hate editing someone's translation, as I always fear that I will mess those files up and I won't even notice, because I do not speak that language. So I doubt there will be some extra content here.

Let me add that I am happy you had fun playing this mod Smile
It doesn't bother me to take a NPC for a quest because it's the standard ToB behaviour, and I also do it for SoA companions quests.
I know difficulty is not the main focus of your mods, but specifically for a Domains of Dread high level quest, I was expecting some nasty surprises, so my party feels insecure and always on guard.  Tongue
You're right about Xzele, Haa'Kir is not Barovia indeed.
As I said, I am not saying no to a tiny bit of a boost for the enemies Smile We'll see! Smile
Again, thanks for all your feedback Smile