Hey there!
As always with a Lava mod, pretty high qualiry stuff here!
Just one bug I ran into in ToB - the second "trial" doesn't fire if you became undead.
Must be because of the race check it does, changing my race with EEKeeper triggered the encounter as usual - changed it back after the encounter.
Otherwise finishing ToB wouldn't be possible anymore.
Woah! That's a good catch! I have no idea how my testers and I went through that point. Anyway, I just uploaded v1.4! I *think* it should work fine now. If you have your save game from right before you entered the 2nd Challange room, please, send it via PM so I could check it again using it, if that's not a problem.
+2 reputation for

Unfortunately I have gained the habit to use pretty much only quicksaves during playthroughs in the last couple of years so I don't have a save from then anymore. XD
I'll download the new version and take a look at it though! Then I can also send you a save.
I've played this game so many times over the last 22 years, I don't need an excuse to play again.

I see. Well, if it works, then there's no need to dwell on it

Hope that your next run will go smoothly!
Oh, and I just realized it will only work on a new game

The script that saves your previous "height" is now added to the Temple's area script, so in ToB the appearance of your "other self" should match the half-curst's hight properly.
For those that are already after that point, in ToB (for example) - you should use the console to set the "animation variable" so the game knew what was your "natural self" when you entered the Temple area before the possible change happened, so the script could use proper version of the "other self":
humans, half-orcs: Global("L#XZEPlayerWasTall","GLOBAL",1)
elves, half-elves, tieflings: Global("L#XZEPlayerWasSlim","GLOBAL",1)
dwarves, gnomes: Global("L#XZEPlayerWasShort","GLOBAL",1)
halflings: Global("L#XZEPlayerWasShort2","GLOBAL",1)
Hello there,
the item "L#XZETAR" seems to be missing from the install. I checked the Juniper script and found two warning regarding that one.
Or is that some crossmod item from the other Tales mods?
Yes, you can ignore it. It's Juniper mod checking for In Love, Undeath item

So yep, it's a crossmod content. It won't cause any bugs if you're not playing without In Love, Undeath, though