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G3: Jastey's SoD Tweakpack updates to v3!

Gibberlings Three


Jastey's SoD TweakPack

This tweak pack is mainly meant for the SoD part of BG:EE (except for the last component which introduces Imoen's SoD portrait into BGII).
It deals with some tweaks that I found useful for my own game.

Version 3 comes with a new component: "Adjust PC's Starting XP at Beginning of SoD" by subtledoctor! Thank you very much, subtledoctor for contributing the component!

Also, it now uses inconv for text transformation between original and EEs.


  1. Ending Independent on PC Replies
  2. Do Not Miss NPC-PC Dialogues
  3. Skip Korlasz's Dungeon
  4. More Dialogue Choices & Prevent Dead Ends
  5. Use Imoen's BG1 and SoD Portrait for BGII in EET&BGT
  6. Restore scripted Abduction Scene Fight
  7. Adjust PC's Starting XP at Beginning of SoD, by subtledoctor


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