Weasel Mods

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Most of these quests, I have no idea. 

Fishing lure? I thought maybe the Cosmic Ambergris? Doesn't work.

Candle? No idea. What I'd really like to get for that lady is a broom.

Girl can't climb. No idea. 

Bartender needs a charming employee. I waited until after Luremaster to give him the tome of Charisma. He didn't want it! (There were no dialogue options for his quest at this point either, so I thought he forgot.) After rereading the journal it said "there must be something in Kuldahar..." and I realized what to do..

And I'm not stealing Oswald's telescope for some bum. I thought maybe there would be one in Severed Hand, but didn't see anything.
(05-07-2022, 03:13 AM)Sanderson` Wrote: [ -> ]Fishing lure? I thought maybe the Cosmic Ambergris? Doesn't work.

Candle? No idea. What I'd really like to get for that lady is a broom.
These two are actually in the same building but on different floors. Smile
You may find these in the Orrick's Tower

(05-07-2022, 03:13 AM)Sanderson` Wrote: [ -> ]Girl can't climb. No idea.
That once you can heal with magic.
Cast the Remove Paralysis spell or... there was also something else... I think... Heal and Regenerate

(05-07-2022, 03:13 AM)Sanderson` Wrote: [ -> ]Bartender needs a charming employee. I waited until after Luremaster to give him the tome of Charisma. He didn't want it! (There were no dialogue options for his quest at this point either, so I thought he forgot.) After rereading the journal it said "there must be something in Kuldahar..." and I realized what to do..
Yep, and there is Smile
There is a new potion at Oswald's.

(05-07-2022, 03:13 AM)Sanderson` Wrote: [ -> ]And I'm not stealing Oswald's telescope for some bum. I thought maybe there would be one in Severed Hand, but didn't see anything.

Yes, there is a 2nd telescope in the game, you do not need to steal it Smile And it's exactly where you said you hoped to find it, in the very last room
the Astrolabe
spoilers spoilers spoilers

I am on my second playthrough now. By the time I read the reply, I was already at the final boss and never saved my game except quicksaves, so no going back Sad 

The fishing bait I never would have found without spoilers and tab key, it was tiny. A different mod (Spellhold Studios Houserules) puts a merchant from Baldur's Gate in that corner--I had to punch her til she ran away so I could get into the bookshelf. Now every time I visit Orrick she is running like crazy with a yellow circle. Maybe a Charm or Domination spell could fix that, I'm not sure if it would restore her shop though but oh well. The candle can only be found once the quest starts right? I think it should be there indefinitely and a bit more obvious, such as the entire candelabra instead of a single candle. Maybe something you pick up at the start of chapter one and don't know what to do with. Currently it's a pixel hunt and I never would have found it without the spoiler (Also, I really think you should get that lady a broom before you can start her quest. How else is she going to remove all those uncomfortable rocks? For fun, make the broom a useless 1d4-1 quarterstaff or something, and you don't find it until later.) 

In my newer game I managed no-spoiler Remove Paralysis on the little girl and it worked. This new game I'm using the IWDNPC mod characters, except for their bard who got replaced by Orra. She ended up being my only cleric. I kind of wish she was just Mage/Cleric instead of Fighter/Mage/Cleric because she's so far behind everyone in levels (i.e. no Heal spell yet)... yet she can use flails so it's ok maybe. When the big sister gives you her sandwiches, you cannot consume them from the inventory screen like a potion. But when you eat one from the quickslot, it says "Gulp!"

I had found Oswald's new potion in my prior game, but I think there should be a dialogue option for the bartender to remind you of this quest. Otherwise you may forget if not for the journal. "Have you found something to help me yet?" etc. When you get his reward, bartender says it is a mug but it's very much not a mug, it's heart lock picks. Dusky should have something special to say about that item, unlocking somebody's heart or whatever. That would be very Dusky.

Telescope-- Normally there's nothing to pick up in that room, so it serves me right for not looking around up there. For the first time on this new game, I took the rude approach to Larrel which didn't change anything, but it's nice to see his cranky dialogue. Plus he had a telescope for me to steal. On the other hand when I've returned to Kuldahar it was the wrong time of day and the stargazer wasn't there. I've got to go back again for him.

Since this part of Kuldahar has a jeweler, and there's the gem merchant at Below & Below Inn, I would like to see them interact with those special rocks. They may be for Tivy's NPC quests but there should be other options (especially if you are viewing these mods as a whole, as a kind of "Weasel Expansion Pack" or whatever.)

One of the rocks I mentioned in my other post was (I recently found out) actually where Oak Maw comes from LOL. I wondered why I never ran into him--I thought the rock to look for was something on the world map, not an item. Maybe the jeweler or gem merchant could ask you about the rock if you didn't open it, and then Oak Maw would pop out. 

Another part of town I'm curious about is the old sanctuary. I know you can drop off the snake egg, missing squirrel, and dart frog for very little xp. Is there another point to this place? Although it's nice to leave Mr. Frog there, I think he's better off in somebody's weapon slot.

Then there's Mr Jumponneck. This cat should be pervious to Turn Undead. If you kill him when he's peaceful maybe the lady would have a special dialogue. 

And like you said (which is a good reminder) not everything needs to be found in a single playthrough. I always have that itch, though, for better or worse. Smile 
Quote:In my newer game I managed no-spoiler Remove Paralysis on the little girl and it worked. This new game I'm using the IWDNPC mod characters, except for their bard who got replaced by Orra. She ended up being my only cleric. I kind of wish she was just Mage/Cleric instead of Fighter/Mage/Cleric because she's so far behind everyone in levels (i.e. no Heal spell yet)... yet she can use flails so it's ok maybe. When the big sister gives you her sandwiches, you cannot consume them from the inventory screen like a potion. But when you eat one from the quickslot, it says "Gulp!"
There's no bug here. BTW, I know not everyone may have the spell ready, but you may buy needed scrolls from the temple merchant Smile

Quote:Telescope-- Normally there's nothing to pick up in that room, so it serves me right for not looking around up there.
Yep, but my mods are kind there to not only add stuff in the obvious places, but they add new containers throughout the game Smile

Quote:On the other hand when I've returned to Kuldahar it was the wrong time of day and the stargazer wasn't there. I've got to go back again for him.
Yep, time of day matters in the mod, there is one character that's only there during the day, and one that's only during the night.

Quote:Since this part of Kuldahar has a jeweler, and there's the gem merchant at Below & Below Inn, I would like to see them interact with those special rocks. They may be for Tivy's NPC quests but there should be other options (especially if you are viewing these mods as a whole, as a kind of "Weasel Expansion Pack" or whatever.)
I'm not planning to add anything like that, sorry, but there should also be an item like that in my opinion. The main property is that you may sell them. There are lots of items like that in Planescape Torment or other RPGs.

Quote:One of the rocks I mentioned in my other post was (I recently found out) actually where Oak Maw comes from LOL. I wondered why I never ran into him--I thought the rock to look for was something on the world map, not an item. Maybe the jeweler or gem merchant could ask you about the rock if you didn't open it, and then Oak Maw would pop out.
The idea is for the player to again investigate things rather. I am against having a big sign like LOOK HERE, THIS IS A MOD ITEM. Smile If you didn't notice that at first, perhaps there will be a run for you to discover it next time Smile  That's the whole point.

Quote:Another part of town I'm curious about is the old sanctuary. I know you can drop off the snake egg, missing squirrel, and dart frog for very little xp. Is there another point to this place? Although it's nice to leave Mr. Frog there, I think he's better off in somebody's weapon slot.
It's so you could enjoy some silence. Yeah, you can bring these 2 objects/creatures out there, but again, I don't think each area has to have this big quest, sometimes it's just a place that's nice but is not involved with major conspiracies or world-shaking matters Smile

Anyway, these mods are finished and some were even translated and at this point, I do not change the content greatly, as that means the translations will not install properly and/or will again remain incomplete and to be honest, I am pretty happy with how these mods work. While I appreciate feedback, these are done + there are some stuff I dislike at mods: like what I mentioned before - I don't want every single item to be marked specially or trigger special dialogues across 3 other mods. Sometimes a weird-looking gem can be simply sold, because after all, it's still just a gem.

Also, there are already some secrets for you to uncover. Perhaps during the next run.

Yes I understand my suggestions remove some of the modularity from unique components for the benefit of a greater whole. I see that is not your intention which is totally fine Smile but maybe keep it an idea to consider, if you go further with any IWD mods in the future. The one item I will repeat here is the bartender's mug, which is definitely not a mug.
I will probably look at all of this once I am back to IWD Smile
A couple things I didn't mention were the scout's mission and the book with missing pages. The scout's mission was fun, with a neat (too easy) battle against an enemy not in the standard game. Possible bug, the cow lure went to the inventory of player 1, even though he wasn't even in Oswald's shop at that time.

Also the missing pages quest was cool. The opponents with the pages really surprised me at their locations. In the end, meeting the wizard gave a chance to return to location you typically only visit once. The ritual was great, only I expected all hell to break loose, or the wizard turn against you, etc etc for an epic showdown. You do get a nice hat though. Cool