Infinity Engine Modding News Feed
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- Tactics Remix v0.6 BETA (0 Replies)
- G3: Another fine Hell updates to Version Alpha_230919 with Spanish Translation! (0 Replies)
- G3: BG Romantic Encounters updates to v11.0 with completed Italian Translation! (0 Replies)
- Stutter Debug Tool updates to v4.1 with French version! (0 Replies)
- G3: Road to Discovery updates to v2.0 with Spanish Translation! (0 Replies)
- HQ-SoundClips for BG2:EE and EET updates to v1.3 with Brazilian Portuguese translati (0 Replies)
- SHS: Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options updates to version 4.4 with Italian translation! (0 Replies)
- SHS: Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate updates to v4.1 with a French transl (0 Replies)
- SHS: PST-UB-Reloaded v2.2 released with unlocked debug console for original PST and (0 Replies)
- SHS: Trials of the Luremaster for Baldur's Gate v4.0 with many improvements and bugf (0 Replies)
- Improved Archer Kit v4.1 released with many improvements and bugfixes! (0 Replies)
- Banter Accelerator for Enhanced Edition games updates to version 1.5! (0 Replies)
- Magic Store of Vergadain updates to version 2.3! (0 Replies)
- "Level Up" Icon Tweaks for PST:EE updates to version 2.7! (0 Replies)
- Recolored character's toolbar buttons for BG:EE and BG2:EE updates to version 4.3! (0 Replies)
- Freely Resizeable Combat Log for PST:EE updates to version 1.4! (0 Replies)
- SHS: Golem Construction for Spellcasters updates to version 6.3! (0 Replies)
- DLC Merger updates to version 1.4 with Brazilian Portuguese translation and improved (0 Replies)
- Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs updates to version 4.4! (0 Replies)
- SHS: Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options updates to version 4.3! (0 Replies)